Encouraging Excellence and Achievement
Gold Beach Education Fund
The Gold Beach Education Fund was originally started over 15 years ago with generous contributions from the Charles and Effa Sage Foundation and other Sage Family members. The Foundation is now also supported by gifts from local contributors.
The Foundation is guided by a Board of local residents with a demonstrated history of serving the educational needs of our youth.
Over the years, hundreds of Gold Beach High School students have received financial assistance in the form of scholarships or support for academic, leadership or fine arts learning opportunities.
Available Scholarships
Encouraging excellence and achievement with…
Scholarships for community college, college, and university education.
Academic programs in science, math, music, athletics, language, and fine arts.
Graduate training for the improvements of vocational and technical skills.
Educational opportunities in leadership development.
Thank You Messages
Student Experience

Over 100+
Scholarships Awarded
Over $200,000
Awarded since 1991
About us
Board of Directors
The Gold Beach Education Fund Advisors are members of the community who have taken on the responsibility of soliciting financial contributions to be awarded to students of the Gold Beach school system for furthering educational opportunities that are not available at the schools themselves. This includes programs for Riley Creek and Gold Beach High School students and scholarships for graduating seniors. Scholarships can also be given to post-graduate students when money is made available.
A board of directors manages the Gold Beach Education Fund made up of dedicated volunteers.
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