Katilyn E Eccleston

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your donations that are giving continuing education students a little extra help during this hard economic time.  With funding for higher education being cut more and more every year it is becoming harder to receive financial aid and finding a job that will work around your school schedule is difficult. 

 I know a lot of people who are facing the decision of continuing school or stop and go out into the workforce to try to support themselves.  I worry every day that I might have to stop school and go to work in order to survive.  You are making it possible for students to stay in school and I am forever grateful that I received a scholarship from the Gold Beach Educational Fund.  The Gold Beach Educational Fund and their donors are helping me fulfill my dreams, for that there isn’t enough words I can use to express my gratitude.

I hope that the Gold Beach Educational Fund will be able to continue offering scholarships to graduates of Gold Beach HIgh School for many years to come and I know that the GBEF would not be able to do the amazing work that they do without the anonymous donations that they receive from people who care about education.  So with that I want to send my sincere thanks to both the GBEF for choosing me for a scholarship and you the donors for making the sholarships possible for myself and for other gradutes.