Jacob Green

I am writing to thank you for your generosity towards furthering my college education courtesy of the Charles and Effa Sage Gold Beach Education Fund.  I was very appreciative and happy to learn that I am a recipient of your scholarship.  Thank you for considering local alumni for scholarships during the continuation of college.

Studying to major in Business Entrepreneurship at George Fox University has been exciting, as I am just finishing my first year with honors.  I am currently learning the ins and outs of various aspects of economics, statistics and business.  Thank you for helping me to get one-step closer to achieving my goal of funding and obtaining my higher education.

By awarding me a continuation scholarship from the Gold Beach Education Fund, you have lightened my financial burden and allowed me to focus more on the most important aspect of school, learning.  Your generosity has also inspired me to help others and give back to the community.  I hope that one day I will be able to help students achieve their goals just as you have helped me.